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Bosnian Muslims felt the need to emigrate because they could not bear the injustices they suffered and living under the domination of a non-Muslim nation. It means in Albanian. Corrected from iydliyle. Cursing them would be a sign of fanatical Shiite tendencies. Guya heman qadirga gibi bir uzun sur-1 tistiivardir.
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New York: Octagon, , I, It was first founded by the Spanish. See Dankoff , Specialty Products. ÇalıĢmada "de baĢlayıp yılında büyük oranda tamamlanan bu faaliyetlerin devlete maliyeti, yaĢanan sıkıntılar ve problemlerin çözümünde izlenen yollar değerlendirilmiĢtir. There is no bazaar. Supposing us to be a band of armed marauders, they began firing warning shots to each other from every tower. Here I bid farewell to more of my friends. There is a single very spacious and attractive bathhouse which gets its water from Lake Boyana by means of a waterwheel. Andan 5 garye-yi Qilcoglar. Fonts, Scripts and Unicode. It is a splendid-looking fortress, without peer, though it is small, only paces in circumference, and has no moat on any side. The sancak includes zeamets and timars. Andan dahi asagi giditip Kin Aleksi mahallesi safi 14 bag u bagcedir, mahkemesi dahi gayet havadar yerdir. I met the Beg here and gave him the imperial decreess which I had brought from Ali Pasha, commander of the vilayet of Mania!. Because they so love Ali and the family of the Prophet, one group secretly curse Muawiya and openly curse Yazid — at least this is what I was told, although I never heard it myself. Titles No Longer Published by Brill. Finally, travelling by ship, he took refuge with the king of Spain. There is a gorge! As I indicated above, a great battle took place here in the year in which the damned and inauspicious Koblaki martyred such a marvelous sultan. Bu gayretlerin sonucu olarak büyük başarılar elde edilmiştir. For this reason, all the houses have a large tower with an iron gate and very strong thick walls. Corrected in margin by a later hand to tegavvut. There is a rudimentary Albanian translation of this section in Vuciterni and a detailed analysis of this journey in Babinger Ve ab [u] havasi ve binasi latif yaylaq oldugindan limoni ve turunci ve nari ve zeytuni 21 olmaz. Sene l Text: sizif. Since the fortress is situated on the top of a high cliff, water is collected in a huge cistern at the foot of the minaret. Since that time it has been ruled by that family. Short of funds, he sent Evliya to Albania to collect some debts.